What’s Ekachakra?

Linking Metaphysics, Science and Lived Experience…

Using a framework similar to that found in more holistic worldviews, a conceptual model for thinking about all events, knowledge, people, cultures, etc., has been developed in recent years called One Wheel or Ekachakra (Sanskrit for One Wheel).  It is a lens for viewing the world both holistically and practically.  Students of One Wheel have found that this is not just a wheel of arcane ideas. It’s spiritual, it’s metaphysical, and it’s the physical world we live in– it’s magical and down to earth all at the same time.  It’s often awe-inspiring, and it’s almost always informative.

The One Wheel paradigm is so named because it is a metaphor for an interconnected, monistic universe (i.e. all apparent discrete events are manifestations of an interconnected whole).  A monistic framework allows connections to be seen between what otherwise would appear to be random, unrelated events.  This type of viewpoint enables one to focus on how complex systems function as one whole event, as opposed to attending to all the apparently isolated, individual pieces.  From a monistic perspective, events and systems of events are local patterns reflecting the One larger pattern.

On a mission of demonstration…

Cari Bourette, Psy.D. has spent much of her life studying religious and spiritual ideas in search of the underlying Truth behind it all. Upon encountering this amazing lens for viewing the world called Ekachakra, Dr. Cari found herself on a mission to demonstrate this conceptual model of everything so that others could share in this fascinating discovery. For almost two decades she has engaged in pioneering research that concretely shows that what we focus on collectively is followed by related events in the news as well as the daily ups and downs of the markets. Yet, until now, she has not publicly revealed the spiritual and metaphysical roots of this work. Her hope is to broaden the awareness of our participation in the reality we live in, and to offer an alternative to the alienation often experienced by people today.