Choosing a Beautiful Day

While this is beautiful and true at face value, there’s an even deeper truth here. A few years ago I did a study on what we say to ourselves about how our day went. Your assessment of now, and of today directly plays into the day you will be having in two or three days from now. Of course there is a larger context also occurring and other things in play as well. Yet, if we can honestly find that we had a day of blessings, a beautiful day, this conclusion you’ve reached will be a part of the creation of a day just ahead, the circumstances you’ll find yourself in, and the kind of day it will appear to be. It may take some effort or conscious decisions to steer away from news overload or to find the blessings at a time when jobs are uncertain or when a closed beach is calling as the weather warms up, but if you can “find a reason to say, ‘yes, it was a beautiful day'” you will be contributing to a richer and fuller tomorrow. Try it for a week and see what happens.