New Class in May

Discovering the Conversation:
In Search of a Language of the Universe

Tuesdays 3:00-4:30 PM PT, May 19-June 30, 2020

There is a Conversation going on between yourself, others, the trees, the birds and the weather.  You may not be aware of your participation, but many across the millennia have understood this and lived accordingly.  Is it possible that everything is somehow interconnected?  Could there be One Divine Source that we are all a part of or expressions of?  Could there be one primary symbol set or language that is Universal?  This course explores these things and is a prerequisite to Introduction to Ekachakra (One Wheel): Learn to Understand the Language of the Universe.

Class Format: This will be an online class using the Zoom platform. There will be readings and short answer assignments prior to each class session.  We will discuss the readings, your answers, your questions, and explore other topics that come up throughout the course.

Class Fee: During this time of global uncertainty, this class is offered at no charge.  Love offering donations are accepted.

Textbooks: Bourette, Cari. 2020. Discovering the Conversation: In Search of a Language of the Universe.  Available at this site for $9.  If that is outside of your budget during this time of uncertainty, that is not a problem.  Just send a request for a complimentary copy.

Instructor: Since the 1980s, Cari Bourette, PsyD has led groups and taught classes on spiritual discovery and the unifying principles in all faiths. For almost two decades she has used her multi-faceted background with degrees in psychology, counseling, physics, metaphysics and geoscience to engage in pioneering research that concretely shows that what we focus on collectively is followed by related events in the news as well as the daily ups and downs of the markets. Yet, until recently, she has not publicly revealed the spiritual and metaphysical roots of this work.  Her hope is to broaden the awareness of our participation in the reality we live in, and to offer an alternative to the alienation often experienced by people today. The foundation of her current work is the holistic toolset of Ekachakra or One Wheel.

Send us a note if you are interested in the next online group class. Looking forward to seeing you in class!